

Program Policy

The Mancos Public Library (MPL) offers numerous tax supported programs to the community throughout the year in order to: Provide programs for all ages and interests; Foster an interest in and enjoyment of reading and lifelong learning; Enhance patrons lives; Help build communities with shared interests; Encourage and stimulate the […]

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Patron Responsibilities and Conduct Policy

Policy Statement The Mancos Public Library (MPL) creates a welcoming environment for all.  MPL provides resources and services to patrons and visitors in a manner that ensures their safety in an atmosphere of courtesy and respect. To clarify the behavior expected by those on library property, and the consequences of behavior, the […]

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Vision and Mission Statement

Vision Statement The Mancos Public Library strives to be a comfortable and inclusive piece of the heart and soul of the Mancos Valley by fostering intellectual freedom; encouraging life-long learning; providing the resources for self improvement and community building to all members of the community; and supporting and showcasing the […]

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Unattended Children Policy

Revised: October 2009 STATEMENT: The Mancos Public Library welcomes children of all ages and encourages them to use its facilities and services. Library staff and administration are concerned with the welfare and safety of children while on library property but can not assume the role of parent or caregiver.  Any […]

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The Freedom to Read Statement

The Mancos Public Library Board of Trustees has read and endorses the following statement (February 2001): The freedom to read is essential to our democracy. It is continuously under attack. Private groups and public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading […]

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Technology Policy

Policy Statement The Mancos Public Library offers public access to various technology, both inside and outside the library to meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of our diverse community. This Policy Statement provides notice of the Library’s expectations and guidelines to all who use technology resources and services (including […]

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Purchasing Policy

Revised April 2002 The Board of Trustees is responsible for an accounting of all funds expended in the name of the Mancos Public Library. The Library Director is responsible for all purchases or expenditures of funds made in the name of the Mancos Public Library for the day-to-day operation of […]

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Public Records Access Policy

Policy Statement The purpose of this policy is to assure prompt and equitable service to citizens requesting access to public records, including those records created by electronic mail, in accordance with the requirements of C.R.S. 24-72-201 to C.R.S. 24-72-206.  This policy does not apply to criminal justice records. Background:  C.R.S. […]

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Proctoring Guidelines

Attention Students and Instructors: We are happy to help you complete your test-taking requirements. Please verify that these conditions are acceptable to the institution giving the test so that the test taking experience will go smoothly. Mancos Public Library (MPL) will proctor either written or online exams. The student will […]

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Partnering Policy

June 2004  The Mancos Public Library presently partners on a regular basis with the Friends of the Mancos Public Library, The Mancos Public School District, and the Town of Mancos.  In the instance of the Friends and the Town of Mancos, the Library is the recipient of the benefit.  The […]

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Outdoor Use Policy

April 2010    The library grounds are an integral part of the library.  As such, they are there for the benefit of the community.   To optimize their use, the following guidelines are provided.  The Mancos Public Library extends availability of the library grounds to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for appropriate activities.  […]

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Materials Selection Policy

Revised: February 2001 PURPOSE The Mancos Public Library endeavors to provide books, library materials, and electronic resources, which meet the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community. Materials selection at the Mancos Public Library seeks to provide balanced collections of library materials reflecting community demand and use in […]

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Meeting Room Policy

Revised: 2009 Policy Statement Library meeting rooms are designed and intended for use in support of library programs and services.  The Mancos Public Library welcomes the use of its meeting rooms for educational, cultural, intellectual, and charitable activities.  Meeting rooms are open on equal terms to all groups regardless of […]

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Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves.  Materials should not […]

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Interlibrary Loan Policy

September 2010 Policy Statement Interlibrary Loan(ILL) is a service through which the Mancos Public Library borrows materials not available at its library from other libraries in the United States or internationally to meet the information needs of its community. In return, the Mancos Public Library lends materials to other United […]

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Donation and Gift Policy

September 2010 Policy Statement We appreciate your interest in donating goods as a form of support for your community library.  Unfortunately, limitations of storage space and staff time make it impossible to accept all potential donations.  The Mancos Public Library (MPL) reserves the right to accept or refuse any gift. […]

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Customer Service Policy

The Customer Service Policy is the foundation for all staff interactions with the general public.  All other library policies should be interpreted in light of the principles outlined below. Mission of the Mancos Public Library Who We Serve: All members of the community, and visitors, in a setting free of […]

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Conflict of Interest Policy

September 2003 The Mancos Public Library Board of Trustees, being a volunteer board, encourages its members to volunteer in any community activity or organization outside of the library.  The board requests that its members refrain from holding office in the Friends of the Library organization, from volunteering in the library […]

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Circulation Policy

Revised: September 2007 Registration The Mancos Public Library (MPL) shall serve all persons residing within the Mancos Library District boundaries. Library users must fill out a membership application form and have a permanent address within the district’s boundaries. Proof of residency must be provided. Cards will be issued to anyone […]

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Anti-Discrimination Policy

The Mancos Public Library is dedicated to serving, encouraging and assisting all patrons, whether walk-ins or card holders, in the use of all facilities this library offers to the general public, regardless of patron’s race, color, sex, creed, national origin or physical handicap. This Statement has been adopted by the […]

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