Cloud Library for eBooks and Audiobooks
Through our library catalog, you can check out eBooks/audiobooks using Cloud Library. Here’s how it works:
1 ) Go to the Apple App Store, Microsoft Store, or Google Play and search for “cloud library” on your device. Look for the app with the following logo:
2) Install and open the app on your device. When the app asks you to select your library, you will select “AspenCat Union Catalog” and hit “next”. Accept the user agreement, and hit next again.
3) Enter your full library card number and password. Your password will be your last name in all lower case letters. Hit “login”.
4) Search for the book you want and hit “borrow” to check it out. If there is no borrow option, it is currently checked out, but you can hit “hold” to get in line to borrow it!
5) You can now read the book or listen to the audiobook on your device in the app! If you would like to transfer the eBook to your eReader (like a Nook), plug your reader into the device where you installed the CloudLibrary app. Once you have checked out a book in the app, go to “My Books” and there should then be an option to transfer your book to your eReader. If the option is not there, or if it says that your book cannot be transferred to the connected eReader, then you might not have an eReader that is compatible with CloudLibrary.
6) For more information, including some how to videos, go to