
Mancos Library 3D Printer Information



Thank you for your interest in 3D printing at The Mancos Public Library. This is a quick guide on getting patrons started with 3D printing. Whether new to printing or an advanced user, there are a few steps patrons will need to take.

Please read the 3D Printer Policy here.

Please email if you have questions. 

Step #1 Do you have a 3D model?

Listed below are a few different options:

Are you designing your own? Have you purchased a model (do you own the rights to reproduce it)? Have you downloaded an “open source” (the designer has given rights for reproduction) model?

Option #1 If you have a model already, then you might want to skip down to the next step. If you are looking to design your own model, The Mancos Public Library offers a laptop with 3D Modeling software available to patrons with a library card. Create your model and export it as an stl. File. You will then use the software program Cura to “slice” and prepare a gcode file. Using Cura, patrons will need to estimate material costs and estimate print times. Then move on to step #2.


Option #2 If you have purchased a model make sure that you can show proof that you have the rights to reproduce it. Then move on to step #2.


Option #3 There are many places to obtain 3D models that are “open source”. The websites “Thingiverse” and “Creality” are a couple of places to find files to print. However, patrons must respect the licensing agreements and be prepared to provide proof if requested.

Once a model is Created/Purchased/Downloaded from the options mentioned above, patrons will need an “STL.” file and a “GCODE” file. STL. files are the actual 3D “Stereolithography” files and a GCODE file is created by “slicing” programs, such as Cura, which a 3D printer can read. Laptop #10 is available at the circulation desk to patrons with a library card, to access the Cura program and “slice” STL. files. When using Cura, patrons will need to take note of the estimated material usage and the estimated print time.  Then move to step #2.


Step #2 Print packet


Once a patron has their STL., GCODE files, estimated material usage, and estimated print times, patrons may then pick up a 3D Print Packet at the Mancos Public Library Circulation Desk during regular business hours.

Included in the packet is a 3D Print Request Checklist,  an SD Card, and a USB SD Card Adapter. The checklist must be completely filled out and returned to the circulation desk with files loaded on the included SD Card and all accompanying materials. Once accepted at the circulation desk, files are given an order number by year/month/day submitted and the last name of the patron making the request. Each submission enters a processing queue by a first come first served basis. A processing staff member will pick up submissions and review materials for completeness and compliance with the 3D Printer Policy.


Step #3 Confirmation of request


At this step patrons will be waiting to hear back from a processing staff member. During this step the patron’s request will be  reviewed, materials and colors will be confirmed and the patron will be given an estimated cost for the print. Once the processing staff member has confirmed the selections of materials, colors, and estimates with patrons, then the order moves into the printing queue. Then to step #4.


Rejected requests may be resubmitted if applicable. Mancos Public Library does reserve the right to reject requests based on the 3D Print Policy.


Step #4 Confirmation of Print


At this step patrons will be contacted to confirm that their order is complete and provided with a final total of material costs. Patrons will have 7 business days from this point to pick up printed materials. 


Step #5 Picking up printed materials


 An extension for pickup may be requested for no more than 14 days from confirmation of print. Multiple instances of patrons not retrieving completed items may result in losing 3D printer privileges.


In addition to printing, the Mancos Public Library provides several tools to assist patrons with their 3D printed objects. These tools are available to patrons by request only and are not to leave library property. Scheduling a meeting room to use these tools is highly recommended. Young adults and children 17 years and younger should be accompanied by an adult or guardian to assist. Below are pictures and description of the tools available.


 Dremel Rotary Tool:


Dremel Flex Shaft:


160 pcs Dremel Accessories:


12″ Digital Calipers:


12 pcs Precision Tweezer Set:


17 pcs File Set: